This is how you win the tender

Dike reinforcement is a crucial step in protecting low-lying areas against flooding. However, carrying out a dike reinforcement project is not an easy task. It requires careful planning, technical expertise and collaboration between different stakeholders. Due to rising sea levels, the Netherlands will be carrying out many dike improvements in the coming years.

Dike improvement projects such as these almost always have to be put out to tender. Suppose you participate in such a tender as a construction company, how do you ensure that you win it?

Dike reinforcement Beesel and Heel

Your expertise

As a construction company, there are all kinds of elements that fall within your expertise, such as the actual construction process. In addition, a tender process for dike reinforcement also contains all kinds of elements that not every construction company can do themselves. Consider, for example, the technical design, but also permits and regulations. Another element that is becoming increasingly important is
stakeholder management in the participation process.

Involve and inform

Involving and informing stakeholders is a crucial aspect of the
dike reinforcement operation. Stakeholders can include local communities, farmers,
companies and environmental groups. Creating open communication channels, keeping it
informational meetings and addressing any concerns contributes to the success of the project. Informing stakeholders is part of the Environmental Act. Although the law has already been postponed several times, the working method associated with the law is already part of the process in most governments. Moreover, many civil servants consider it a good idea to inform stakeholders
very important.


At The Imagineers we are often asked when it is best to start informing stakeholders. Our answer is simple: as quickly as possible. Dike reinforcement projects such as these often consist of a planning phase and an implementation phase. Both phases usually last several years. In both phases it is very important to communicate transparently.
This will certainly take more time initially, but we are convinced that it will actually save you time in the long term. Especially once you are in the implementation phase, you do not want the project to be delayed. And our experience shows that there are still too many construction projects that are delayed
could arise because stakeholders were informed incorrectly or too late.


To win the tender, it is therefore important that you look for partners. Partners who can help you take care of the part where your expertise does not lie. Preferably you look for partners who can work together. If you have multiple partners or tools that in practice do not communicate with each other or communicate poorly with each other, this will cost you a lot of time. Unburdening is the key word.

Crucial elements secured

By indicating in the tender which tools and partners you work with, the decision can be made
turn out in your favor more quickly. The fact that certain crucial elements are guaranteed in any case
contracting party has the feeling that the project is in good hands with you.

At The Imagineers we have now contributed to various dike reinforcement projects. Want to know more? Read our success stories Dike reinforcement Marken en Dike reinforcement Noorderzijlvest.