Discover how ABR experienced the power of thinking along at different moments in the process:

With an Area Participation Platform you create an interactive platform. This is for all parties involved in an area development project. This allows project managers, municipalities, local residents and other stakeholders to collaborate and monitor the progress of the project.

An example where an Area Participation Platform is very successful is the project to improve the accessibility of Wageningen. The province of Gelderland, together with the municipality of Wageningen, wanted to improve the accessibility of Wageningen in order to adapt existing roads. The Area Participation Platform is part of the province's communication media mix to allow local residents and other stakeholders to think along at various times. Because this allows them to collect wishes and needs about road design, nature and landscape integration, et cetera. Respondents can point very precisely on the map, which locations are involved and where they want to indicate points of attention/wishes. Both the input and how it is incorporated in the road design is presented in a clear, attractive and realistic way. This makes it possible to trace how road design has evolved over time. In addition, the way in which the wishes and needs of interested parties are processed.

Thanks to the Area Participation Platform, all input has been collected in a clear manner. In addition, it is also presented in an attractive way; photorealistic. The valuable input has helped to continuously adjust the draft design and to continue to improve it. This made it possible to better meet the wishes and needs of the environment.

An Area Participation Platform ensures:

  • A structured way of collaboration and communication between all parties involved, which significantly increases the chance of success of a project. 
  • In addition, it ensures more transparency and trust among all parties, which creates better cooperation. 
  • In addition, an Area Participation Platform offers a wealth of information that can be used to monitor the progress of the project and adjust where necessary.

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Are you interested in using the Stakeholder Engagement Platform for your own project? Then take with us.. Our team is ready to help you set up an Area Participation Platform that meets your specific needs. Together we can ensure that your project is a great success!