How do you use images to create acceptance and support?

Text is difficult when you want to explain what is going to change in an area.


Using visualizations for realistic perspective:

Different images arise in your head.
That is why the use of images from a realistic perspective is a lot stronger. And we have been experts in that for decades. We do this based on geo-data sources and legal guidelines, such as visualizing from a human viewing height and not from a bird's eye view.

But what really works well is that people can indicate on the map and in the photo what their question is about. This provides more insight and understanding, which speeds up the turnaround time and increases support.


This is possible with the functionalities of our Stakeholder Engagement platform, such as:

  • Place a Pin, ask your question or give your comment.
  • Guided Tour, here it is explained what is about to happen in the area. You take them by the hand.
  • Image survey, based on visualizations, you ask your questions.

Do you also want to communicate clearly and effectively with your target group about area developments?

Then use these three tips:

  • Type 1, give the honest picture from human perspective.
  • Type 2, take those involved by the hand and explain the changes with an online tour.
  • Type 3, provide the ability to respond to the image with the functionality: Post a Pin or an Image and Map Driven Survey.

Small gesture, big effect! Do you want to know how we do that?
Call us or just look around our area participation platform.