What is the secret of successful sustainable energy project development?

Wind farms article Leeuwarder courant

Saturday, March 4, we were in the Leeuwarder Courant, with the theme what is the secret of the successful project development of sustainable energy.

This article clearly explains what we can do as The Imagineers in environmental changes/environmental developments, such as those arising from, among other things, the climate agenda, energy transition and heat transition.

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From the article:

In fact, project developers of sustainable energy all over the world use our services because we clearly show the impact of windmills and solar parks on the landscape.

We create visualizations in an online environment that give an honest picture of the situation. We place the new objects very precisely in 360-degree photos of the current situation; such as windmills, solar parks, electricity pylons, transformer houses.

We consider:

  • Viewing height; for example at exactly 1,50 so that it is the human viewing height and not a bird's eye view.
  • Buildings in the area; so you can see what's behind and what's in front.
  •  'Mitigating' measures, such as a hedge around a solar park.

Interested parties can then look at the project from different angles online on a special site. “There is a lot of information in a photo. People can get that very focused.”

The site allows for image and map-driven surveys to be taken. So that people who do not live can indicate exactly what they have a question or comment about. With the help of the algorithms not only visualizations can be made, but also complex calculations can be made.
"We can see, down to a house, how much flicker, cast shadow or noise nuisance there is and under what circumstances."


We at The Imagineers are active worldwide in more than 23 different countries, with which we have already done more than 4000 projects. This around visualizations of impactful environmental changes for stakeholders involved. Many project developers know how to find us to visualize the honest picture, because that speeds up the discussion. This ultimately also speeds up their project.

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