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So that everyone knows what it will look like later

We offer two innovative options to visualize the visual impact of a future solar park:

Get started with Solarplanner yourself
Take control with our easy-to-use Solar Planner tool, ideal for researching and exploring opportunities early in your project.
Try it yourself: windplanner.com/solar

High-End visualizations by our 3D Artists
Our 3D artists offer a wide range of advanced editing capabilities. From seamlessly removing unwanted elements such as trees and houses to adding essential information such as roads, mitigation measures, and virtually filling in ditches. This is the perfect solution when high realism is required, for example for permitting or public consultation.

Many clients choose a hybrid approach, combining their own content from the Solarplanner with high-end visualisations. These are presented with additional explanation in our Stakeholder Engagement Platform.

View our previous projects
Take a look below at one of the projects we have previously completed. Click on the photo to look around, or use the menu to easily switch between the current and future situation.

In recent years!! we have visualized hundreds of projects.Below is a small selection:

Solar Route A37

RES Noord Veluwe

Solar park Vlagheideberg

Show those involved what future solar parks will look like?

Discover in which domains we have experience

Discover our project experience in spatial planning.



Infrastructure planner



Line planner


Country planner
